Daniel Weiser and Alex Watson usher in the holiday season with a very fun, family-friendly program of four-hand piano arrangements of some of the best-loved holiday classics highlighted by a virtuoso version of Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker Suite” that is a true high-wire choreographed ballet of twenty fingers competing on a single piano. We will also perform Leroy Anderson’s “Sleigh Bells” and jazzy arrangements of some popular Carols and Christmas favorites. This is a great way to get the holiday season started and a great concert for all ages to attend! All children 18 and under are Free!
The White Horse is a great venue for a relaxed and informal concert. Bring in your own food, grab a drink at the bar, and enjoy the cabaret-style seating. Tickets are $20 at the door or $18 if you buy in advance. Children 18 and under are only $5. To buy seats, visit: http://www.whitehorseblackmountain.com/2018/11/amicimusic-four-hand-holiday-fri-dec.html or call the White Horse at 828-669-0816.